——Xovee Xu
——江西资溪县法制办周主任 2016年12月
——流行歌曲《听我说谢谢你》 2022年4月
——潘长江直播时劝嘎子扮演者谢孟伟 2022年4月
——外交部驻港公署发言人 2020年8月8日
“别说我说谎,人生已经如此的艰难,有些事情就不要拆穿。” ——林宥嘉歌曲《说谎》 2013年4月
——据说来源于百度贴吧《化学吧》 2012年9月
——改自1996年周星驰电影《食神》中的台词 2011年10月
——豆瓣网友”路西“发帖 2011年12月8日9点9分48秒
2011年11月 到底是“细思恐极”还是“细思极恐”,网络上还有争论,不过从使用人数来看(百度指数),细思极恐要多一倍。
New Chinese Idioms
This website records the new Chinese idioms popular since 2010 in the Internet. The explanations/origins of the new idioms are also included.
——Xovee Xu
How each card is organized?
- Line 1: Original four-word Chinese idiom
- Line 2: Absolute word-to-word Translation
- Line 3: Origin, a related "sentence" or "social event" that motivates the creation of the idiom
- Line 4: English explanation
This new idiom originates from an online video featuring the statements made by a couple during their divorce hearing. The wife (Dongping Yan, 燕东萍) accused her husband of contributing nothing to the marriage and demanded that almost all their assets be allocated to her. However, the husband's final statement revealed the truth: for five years, he had been transferring 8,000 CNY to his wife every month. In the end, the judge granted their divorce and allocated the majority of the assets to the wife. At this point, the wife couldn't help but laugh, while the husband covered his face and wept.
Satire that the people from government's legislative office don't believe in law.
"你说法治我都觉得有些好笑 (I feel ridiculous when you talking about the laws)," said by the director of the Legislative Affairs Office of Zixi County of Jiangxi Province of China.
Satire that the people from government's legislative office don't believe in law.
This new idiom is from a popular Chinese song's lyric: "听我说,谢谢你,因为有你,温暖了四季" from 听我说谢谢你 by 李昕融. Translation of the lyric: "I want to say, thank you, because of you, (your behaviors) warm the four seasons". The popularity of this song is because during the COVID-19 outbreak in Shanghai city in April 2022, many students are required to sing this song (often with dancing) to show their gratitudes to the epidemic prevention workers after receiving the virus-NAT. Many netizens are sick of those "hypocritical shows".
Simply means "Thank you," but with irony.
This new idiom is from a Chinese celebrity Changjiang Pan. During the live broadcast, he talked with Mengwei Xie, the actor in "Zhang Ga the Soldier Boy", and advised him not to sell goods on the live broadcast. But afterwards, Pan himself went to live broadcast to sell goods.
This idiom satirizes Pan's behavior.
Many official spokesmans of China (e.g., from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) often criticize the USA's policies (e.g., the trading war) and quote a Chinese proverb: Lift a rock only to drop it on one's own feet (in Chinese 搬起石头砸自己的脚), similar to the English proverb shoot oneself in the foot. This new idiom is created by select four key words of the spokesman's speak: The USA lifts a rock only to drop it on his own feet. Netizens make jokes like "USA almost runs out of its rocks," "The stones in Yellowstone National Park are all used."
Criticize USA's China policy, but with irony.
This new idiom is originally from Yoga Lin's song lying, the lyric says: "Don't tell me lies, life is already so tough, something don't need to be debunked (in Chinese 别说我说谎,人生已经如此的艰难,有些事情就不要拆穿)." Become popular since April 2013.
Meaning: someone's lot in life is already bad, thus don't expose something (of someone).
In November 2012, a senior student of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology spent 212 days writing a long love letter (160K words) to a girl. The girl was so touched but refused the boy.
"Ten" is a symbolic number means "Very" in context.
Someone is so touched by something but refuses it.
This new idiom is composed by the first word of FOUR individual Chinese idioms. They are 喜闻乐见, 大快人心, 普天同庆, 奔走相告. Become popular since Sept 2012.
The meaning of the four idioms is "We are happy to hear and see the happening of this thing, it is so exciting, everyone should celebrate that, go around and tell others this thing." In short, this idiom menas "THIS is a very good thing, everyone should be happy and share this thing to others."
This new idiom is originally from a movie's dialogue "Although I don't know what you're saying, but I feel what you said is great (虽然不明白你在说什么,但觉得很厉害的样子)." The netizens short the sentence to a four-word idiom. Become popular since Oct 2011.
Describe somethings unclear but looks very amazing.
This new idiom is from a Douban post by Lucy, where he says "I almost 13 years old, single, feeling tired both body and mind, and is unable to love (马上就要13岁了,单身,身心疲惫,感觉不会再爱了)." Then the netizens short the sentence to a four-word idiom. Become popular since 2013.
This new idiom is from a popular sentence: "When I carefuly think about this, I feel extremely terrifid." Then the netizens short the sentence to a four-word idiom. Become popular since 2011. Also known as "细思恐极".
This new idiom is usually to be used in news headlines describing something triggers "the man to keep silent and the woman to try," often with a sense of humor and related to lovers-relationship.
About This Website
The popularity of new Chinese idioms since 2013 triggered tremendous debates among netizens, language experts, as well as official newspapers run by the government. This website records many of the famous new Chinese idioms.
选择标准 Inclusion Criteria
The using of the new idiom is popular, the use scope is broad, For relatively old idioms (several years), their popularity is standing.