Xovee loves to collect data and visualize them. This page presents various statistics about Xovee's research, including papers, citations, acceptance rate, co-authors, and peer reviews.
Note: Xovee is currently focused on completing his dissertation, so updates to this page may be gradual.
Last Update: Mar 29, 2025.
# Papers
# Citations
Acceptance Rate
# Co-authors
# Peer Reviews
Number of Papers
Number of published papers per years, stacked by major and collaborative roles.
Aug 1, 2019Submitted my first paper to INFOCOM '20.
Mar 26, 2020Submitted my second paper to arXiv - my first public one.
Aug 4, 2020Received my first citation from the paper RC-Tweet by I. N. Lymperopoulos.
June 25, 2021Earned my Master's degree in software engineering. Citation count: ~20.
Paper Acceptance Rate
Inspired by Dealing With Academic Rejection, Xovee has tracked the accumulative acceptance rate of his major papers over the years (calculated as the number of accepted papers divided by total submissions).
You can hover over the nodes and use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out.
Fan ZhouProf., UESTC, Chengdu, China. Xovee's Advisor.